

14 Tips to Help You De-clutter Your Digital Life in the New Year


Modern life is increasingly interwoven with digital technology. Our phones and devices are increasingly loaded with emails, documents, photos and apps - it can quickly become overwhelming! If this sounds familiar then check out how a professional organizer can help make life less daunting by managing an inbox full of info or apps!

Now is an excellent time to organize and declutter your digital environment as the New Year draws closer. By maintaining an efficient digital workspace, productivity will increase while stress is decreased. Here are some strategies for decluttering digital clutter.

1. Conduct a Digital Inventory

The first step to decluttering is taking stock of what digital assets you...


Here Are 9 Reasons Why Airplane Mode Is Worth Utilizing Even If You Aren't Travelling


Airplane Mode is a feature most of us are familiar with. Chances are, you have used it before when traveling abroad - or perhaps in everyday life when not traveling anywhere special! But did you know there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Airplane Mode than just flying abroad? Not necessarily! Here are a few reasons to turn it on even when not traveling!

1. Battery Life Is Precious

No one would argue with the importance of prolonging smartphone battery life, and Airplane mode is your go-to weapon to do just that. By disabling any applications running in the background (such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features) Airplane mode can protect against unnecessary drain on battery power; and thus...
