

What's new in the final Windows Moments update


Microsoft will soon unveil their next Windows 11 update, also known as "Moment 5" or the "February 24 Moment". This release should arrive sometime soon and contains several notable changes worth keeping an eye out for.

Microsoft will bring Windows 11 back to its roots by providing annual updates.

What will this mean for you personally? You should expect your operating system to become more stable, experiencing fewer major changes, and less "moment updates". Instead, adopt a more predictable update schedule instead.

Let's see what Moment 5 holds for us.

Microsoft has enhanced Windows 11's accessibility features in this update, improving their user experience for those who rely on these.

Voice Acc...


WordPad Goodbye! An era has ended.

temp-post-imageMicrosoft has finally taken action after 30 years of faithfully providing WordPad. They will retire this app that allowed people to open.doc files without Word.

Why now and what does this mean for your business?

Microsoft recently made an unexpected and quiet announcement that they will no longer update WordPad, and eventually remove it from Windows altogether. No date for this transition was specified at the time.

But let's be often have you mistakenly opened a WordPad document when the original intention was Notepad?

Notepad is used to write plain text documents while WordPad serves as an editing program similar to a word processor; they're often confused.

Could WordPad's imminent ...
